Toronto Movies

The Bird May Die

The Bird May Die

Score: 5 / 10

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The Bird May Die movie reviews

  • 1

    The Bird May Die

    Thursday, October 26, 2017 8:48:14 PM | (Age Not Specified)

    Weak senario with relevant mistakes . Trying very hard to keep Islamic codes of Iranian regime. Wondering who financed this movie...

  • 9

    The Bird May Die

    Sunday, October 22, 2017 6:28:38 PM | (Age Not Specified)

    "The Bird May Die" is a foreign language film (in Farsi, I believe) that follows a woman and her teenaged daughter who have emigrated  to Canada in an attempt to flee her abuse husband.  The director follows his main characters without resorting to melodrama.   Instead, he allows the screenplay to unfold at a steady pace, resulting in a measured film that avoids sensationalism until some wild plot developments late in the proceedings.   The film's technical aspects are all first rate.    It is well photographed and edited, and all of the actors deliver competent, though not exceptional, performances.    Some of the subtitles are poorly translated, using incorrect grammatical phrases and words not spelled correctly.   The relationship between the main character and her daughter is the center of the film, and their tension filled exchanges are realistic.   Despite its excessive length (118 minutes), I was able to remain interested in the characters, and was invested in the outcome of the plot.

  • The Bird May Die

    Saturday, October 21, 2017 7:35:23 PM | (Age Not Specified)

    "The Bird May Die" is a  compelling narrative. I found myself glued to the screen, wanting every part of the story to be clear to me. Well done! There are a few technical short-comings I feel I must mention though. The subtitles go by a little too quickly for my liking, but they are very clear. There are a few translation problems. I only mention this problem because it takes away the viewers focus on the real heart of the film. For example at 29:26 the subtitle is "sweetheart" instead of sweetheart as it appears several times later. The general locations for filming highlight a budget issue, perhaps more footage outside the two houses and local shopping area could have been introduced. Melika Pirozan and Mojgan Baghi do a fine job with their roles but some of the others acting is marginal. Your camera work is fair but the cinematography left me feeling a bit cramped. The sound was good and the story, your high point in my opinion, was clear and well developed.     I enjoyed your film and will recommend it to my friends if it is shown here. It is very international in scope and gives the viewers a broader understanding of the life concerns, style and matters of importance outside the local viewers sphere. Thank you for this journey of new understanding.