Won't You Be My Neighbor?
Tuesday, July 10, 2018 1:08:34 PM | (Age Not Specified)
Our country... actually the world... would be a better place if everyone (especially our political leaders) if we all watched (and learned from) Mr. Rogers! As his series of programs, which many of us encouraged our children to watch (and watched with them), this documentary is lovely, kind, sweet, significant, and worth watching! It should be available to ALL, at ALL times... in the permanent library for ALL!
As a mother, grandmother, former teacher, reading consultant, multi-year school board member, PTA leader, public-school activist, and caring community member/leader, as well as the former manager of the instructional television department of a PBS affiliate, I wear an old Mr. Rogers tee shirt with pride. I urge everyone to see, and learn from, this movie! It is a gem!